Just finished up Day 19 about prayer and community. That's been one of the things that's kept me in the valley - not only isolation (live alone, work from home, moved to a new area...), but lack of godly community. I feel like I'm in this season for a reason and I can appreciate the richness found when God is all you have, but I pray that I will be guided to the next best community for me in His time. So hard to go it alone in life and can be just as hard to find community as an older single with no children.
Please join me in praying that I will find the people He would have me to go through life with. Thanks.
Hi Jess! Totally can relate to you! As a person who left a 3 year relationship/8 month marriage last spring (that took flight during the height of Covid) to a “Christian” man who in public seemed so kind, respectful, considerate, polite, helpful to others, beautiful, mesmerizing blue eyes (holy cow!) but behind closed doors he was an entirely different person… 😳 a person that disrespected me repeatedly by swearing at me during arguments (cannot even count the # of times I was told to go eff myself, eff off, and was called an effin idiot), and oh my goodness there were so many more insane things that made it feel like a total nightmare. Needless to say the relationship became extremely abusive, so I find myself in a similar boat as you. Finding godly community is so vital, but it can be especially difficult when you’re single (or divorced) at an age when marriage and growing a family is the norm especially in Christian circles. Finding godly community and then cultivating it is mentally and emotionally exhausting. Yet, I know it’s still worth the effort.
Would you like to grab lunch after church on Sunday to chat more & connect?